Through this non-linear narrative, I hope to stimulate reflection on the nature of human-AI interaction. I also hope to provide individuals the opportunity to comprehend how their decisions may aid in the development of AI integration into their daily life. This slice of life game is set in the near future in which humans and AI cohabit and provides players an immersive view of what life would be like in such a world. The game aims to examine a variety of subjects connected to human-machine interaction, the benefits and drawbacks of AI, and the ethical implications of living with AI.

It has the potential to offer players a unique and thought-provoking gaming experience that explores the complex relationship between humans and machines. As players progress through the game, they would encounter various scenarios that illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of relying on AI. For example, they might experience a situation where AI improves their productivity but also invades their privacy. Another scenario might show how AI can provide emotional support, but at the cost of human connection. This can help inform real-world decision-making around the use of AI and its impact on society.

This game was made a part of an academic research project.

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